Delivering better customer service with engaged employees

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Employee engagement directly affects performance, thus determining the customer experience delivered. When employees are engaged, they feel valued and motivated to give their best, resulting in better customer satisfaction, higher productivity and more positive business outcomes.

The role of employee engagement in customer experience

When employees feel valued, they build a strong bond with customers, resulting in positive and lasting interactions. Employees who are engaged represent the organisation’s values and become brand ambassadors who provide outstanding service that goes beyond customer needs.
Organisations can foster a culture that puts customers first by focusing on employee engagement and achieve better business outcomes through enhanced customer experiences and long-term relationships.

Correlation between employee engagement and productivity

Better business outcomes and organisational success are experienced by companies with high employee engagement. A motivated employee is more likely to go above and beyond to support the aims and objectives of the company because they feel valued and have a good attitude towards their work. 
Actively disengaged workers on the other hand, could display inferior productivity, higher absenteeism, or even more regular absences from the office. Enhancing employee engagement and, eventually, organisational efficiency requires fostering a pleasant workplace culture, giving constructive criticism, and making sure staff feel valued.

The impact of employee engagement on customer service

Employees that are engaged go above and beyond, show discretionary effort, and contribute to a high-performing workforce. Additionally, they are more likely to produce a pleasant customer experience since their involvement and contentment have a favourable effect on the company's capacity to deliver exceptional service.
Organisations can improve performance outcomes by increasing employee engagement through measures including fostering good leadership, establishing a positive work environment, and offering opportunities for growth and development.

How to track the impact of employee engagement

Measuring the impact of employee engagement on business performance is crucial for organisations to understand the effectiveness of their efforts.
Here are some key metrics and approaches to consider:

  • Employee performance – Assess individual employee performance through feedback tools to show productivity levels, goal attainment, and quality of work.
  • Business success – Evaluate business outcomes such as profitability, customer satisfaction, and market share to gauge the overall impact of employee engagement initiatives.
  • Employee engagement surveys – Enable continuous feedback methods to keep a pulse of the work environment and employee morale. Additionally, conduct more in-depth surveys to measure and improve employee engagement levels, satisfaction, and perception of the organisation’s culture and leadership.
  • Absenteeism and turnover – Track absenteeism and turnover rates to assess employee engagement’s impact on retention and organisational stability.
  • Performance appraisals – Incorporate employee engagement-related criteria into performance evaluations to assess the influence of engagement on individual and team performance.

Overall, engaged employees exhibit discretionary effort, go the extra mile, and contribute to a high-performing workforce. They also create a positive work environment and enhance the organisation’s ability to deliver exceptional service. Measuring the impact of employee engagement on business performance is essential to understand the effectiveness of engagement initiatives and make informed decisions.

Check out evalyou8 for more on monitoring and improving employee performance.